Orders once placed on our site cannot be cancelled. In the case of a product not being available for the day, we will cancel the order and initiate a refund process. In the case of returns, we only accept returns if you have received a damaged or wrong product. You can email us on houseofmigo@gmail.com within 24 hours of receiving the damaged/ wrong product.
Once the return request has been reviewed, we will arrange for a reverse pick up at an agreed upon time. This will be followed by the necessary quality checks. Once done and approved, we will initiate the refund. All refunds are aimed to be processed with 7 working days by us.
All your orders are important and valuable to us. House Of Migo however, retains the right to refuse any order unconditionally.
Please do not share any payment information over call with anyone. Our official representatives do not ask for payment details over call, you can make the payment via our website using the appropriate payment gateways or by visiting House Of Migo.
House Of Migo reserves the right to disclose your personal information for any legal compliances and whenever necessary to protect our rights. In the case of compliance with a court order, legal process or judicial proceeding served on our site, disclosure of personal information is necessary.